About Me

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hello my name is jessica, but jess is what i am known as !I survived my first year at university and am now working hard in my second year at my textiles degree! I come from a large family, so theres always something to blog about right?! Primarily it'll be my textiles work, but somedays i may just be too busy to write about my hectic day! Happy, busy days!

Thursday, 19 April 2012

pretty umbrellas...

After going to my tutorial today i found that i needed to explore a context to combine my samples together.. And todays weather has been the perfect inspiration to get me thinking...

The basic umbrella was first invented over 4000 years ago, seen within artefacts,china and acient history. These umbrellas/parasols were designed to keep the sun away and provide shade. They were normally made out of whalebone or wood and covered in alpaca and covered with an oiled canvas. Designers made curved handles out of wood normally ebony.

The umbrella was first used in the 16th century and was mainly seen as an accessory to women; however it wasn't until Jonas Hanway a traveller and a write who used an umbrella for 30 years in England,making it seem appropriate and gradually popular for use among men.
Umbrella is the latin word for umbra which means shade or shadow.
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In 1852 Samuel Fox claimed to have re-invented the umbrella with his steel ribbed framed design using up the steel from womens corsets.

Parasols and umbrellas have become a fashion accessory on the runway and is becoming popular to have posed in photos for weddings..

Luis Vuitton, Spring/Summer 2012.
Louis Vuitton Spring Summer 2012 show catwalk model white umbrella shift dress sixties

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