About Me

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hello my name is jessica, but jess is what i am known as !I survived my first year at university and am now working hard in my second year at my textiles degree! I come from a large family, so theres always something to blog about right?! Primarily it'll be my textiles work, but somedays i may just be too busy to write about my hectic day! Happy, busy days!

Friday, 5 October 2012

Print research

From looking at the colours i blogged about the day before i started to look into 1960s as this was the period these photos were inspired by. Looking through some photos and my notes from the past few days i remember one of the girls in class mentioned the fashion and textiles museum of which i went and saw a printed exhibition there. This encouraged and excited me too look into my findings as i was yet to use them to inspire my work.

Mary White was a popular post war textile designer in the late 1950s and 60s which fits in nicely to the colour scheme i am looking into and the types of print-layered and repetitive. The exhibition was small and intimate so i was able to evaluate and look into the work as much as i could, and really take on board the colours and shapes. Taking the photos was a great reference, and now i am happy to be able to include these into my current work. It is slightly different, but i have learnt that research (along with drawing) should not be a direct translation/link but a reference, a source that i can interpret to 're-invent' something.

Small environment for an exhibition at the Fashion & Textiles Musuem.

 A collection of the same prints but all in different colour combinations. It just shows how different a print/piece of work can feel in different colours and shades, each one emmits its own feelings and attitudes.
Although the colours are not directly the same as previous, they are a lovely and appropriate link into what i am looking at. I am looking at layers of prints in fun and interesting ways - block colours and linear layers with strong accent colours. By looking at a range of work i can fully understand and appreciate what works well and what works best for the context of my work.

'The Printed Square' exhibition was also being held at the fashion and textiles musuem at the same time. The exhibition was a colaboration with textile designer Nicky Albrechsten and Oasis for the Spring/Summer 2012 collection and they were off square printed hankerchiefs. It was really interesting however i don't feel i benefited from it's full aims whilst there as i wasn't as heavily involved in printing in my first year and therefore didn't appreciate it as much as i do now. Now i have had time to experiment within my own work and our second year has introduced us to new and challenging printing techniques that i see these printed designs in a 'new light'.

 I love how each one is different, some being very linear in pattern, some being photo realistic, some block,abstract and some that were more detailed than others. Seeing all these photos again has given me alot to think about.

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